Watch TV - Online IP TVAccess to 4000 Live TV channels from your computer. Not required of a TV tuner or decoder. Pure picture - no monthly payment needed.

Watch television channels online anywhere. All you need is our IP TV software, your computer, and online connection.

online television is simply being able to watch a tv station in real time from anywhere around the world. Many of us discovered live Internet TV during this past presidential campaign when we were, as a nation, practically glued to some form of media in order to keep updated on the progress of the election. Some of us were acquainted to online Ip TV because we found it was an perfect way not only to keep updated with the news, but also weather, and sport events.

Whether you connected from work to watch CNN, BBC or another news broadcasting station's live stream of a campaign event or you watched it on some other device such as your cellular phone or iPOD, you were able to stay on top of current news with the help of Online IP television and online webcasts.

Watching internet TV is very convenient and affordable without all the wires and installation charges it takes for regular cable or satellite television services to be hooked up. With live TV, all you simply need is a PC and the internet, it's that easy. Most services are available online for free and almost all large broadcasting stations like Fox, NBC, and ABC have websites where their shows can be viewed. There is no need to buy cable if you hardly ever watch TV when everything is available on Internet, even live broadcasting of the news.

Broadcasting online video and audio from capture card through camera computer software

Streaming live video and sound from capture device through webcamera server application Security software

If you find yourself with a need to record surveillance video with a webcamera over an area, camera server software may be the right choice for you. Using this software, it is possible to set up a camera to detect activity and begin recording once it does.
Depending on your needs, the sights and sounds that are picked up by the camera may be stored on a hard drive, or if the captured video needs to be accessible off-site, can be broadcast using the server's streaming function to a website.
Depending on the quality of the camera and the viewer's video card, the picture that is recorded may be as clear as a high-definition tv signal. Using a setup like this, it is possible to provide a measure of security for an area while the economics of the situation do not justify hiring a security firm or setting up a professional monitoring system.
This do-it-yourself approach can save money while not compromising on protection.

Webcam software detects motion, triggers siren, captures images, records video, and sends captured images by e-mail

Webcam software senses movement, triggers alarm, captures snapshots, records video, and sends captured images by e-mailWeb cameras are usefull for more than just making ip conversations more realistic. They can moreover be an really valuable instrument for exploit in residence or company protection. Application is now accessible that can detect activity and use it as a trigger for various actions.
The way that it works is to analyze the picture sent by a webcam that is either attached via USB or via a video capture card for motion. When it picks up that motion, it can then take any number of events, including triggering an siren.
A more popular software, though, is to either send live frames of what is happening in the picture that is covered by the camera or to even webcast via live streaming accurately what is happening with both audio and picture. If installed furtively, this application could even be used for covert surveillance.
Given the large quantity of devices that either have a webcamera attached or can support one, this is an perfect way to inexpensively and effortlessly defend the region across that property from invasion or theft.

New professional surveillance software works with any web camera, IP cameras, and major capture cards.

Web camera software detects activity, triggers siren, captures snapshots, records video, and sends captured images by email Security application has become so complicated that the regular consumer who has been busy minding his office instead of pouring over electronics and ip know-how articles can be easily overwhelmed when it comes time to install or update his security system.
Luckily, there is modern professional surveillance application that simplifies much of the decision making. You don't necessarily have to get rid of a working analog closed circuit TV system in order to modernize to a broadcasting video that can be monitored from any internet connected workstation or 3G phone. Video capture cards can digitally convert the snapshots for broadcast. Until recently, there had been no real attempts to regulate the new IP cameras; every make and manufacturer functioned a tiny differently. And when you connect webcams into the merge, using one software to rule them all was unwieldy.
Professional surveillance software is now available that will work for any webcamera or IP webcam and for most capture cards as well. You can monitor whatever your motion sensors are picking up at your house or company while you can be half a world away. The software itself may not be simple, but it can make life simpler for you.


aneka brownis

Brownies Karamel

150 gram margarin
2 butir telur
125 gram madu
4 sendok makan air
125 gram gula palem
200 gram tepung terigu
1/2 sendok teh baking powder
125 gram cokelat masak, dicairkan
30 gram mentega
2 sendok makan sirup vanili
400 ml susu cair
100 gram cokelat masak, dicairkan
25 gram margarin cair
Kocok margarin, gula palem, dan telur. Setelah lembut, masukkan madu, air, cokelat masak. Sisihkan. Ayak tepung dan baking.
Masukkan ke dalam adonan bersama cokelat masak. Aduk lalu tuang ke cetakan. Oven hingga matang.
Masak campuran bahan toping I sambil diaduk hingga kecokelatan dan membentuk karamel (kurang lebih 30 menit) lalu siram ke atas kue.
Campur margarin cair dan cokelat masak cair (bahan toping II). Siram di atas toping I. Gunakan tusuk gigi untuk membentuk marmer. Dinginkan lalu potong-potong.
Brownies Selai Kacang
125 gram margarin
70 gram gula pasir
2 butir telur
150 gram tepung terigu
1/2 sendok teh baking powder
100 gram selai kacang
1 sendok makan cokelat bubuk
50 ml susu cair
gula halus untuk taburan
Kocok margarin bersama gula pasir hingga lembut lalu masukkan telur satu per satu sambil terus dikocok.
Dalam wadah lain, aduk susu dan cokelat bubuk. Masukkan ke kocokkan telur. Aduk rata. Tuangkan tepung terigu yang sudah diayak bersama baking powder. Setelah rata, masukkan selai. Aduk lalu tuang ke dalam cetakan yang telah dialasi kertas dan diolesi margarin. Oven sampai matang.
Potong kue lalu ayakkan gula halus.
Brownies Fudge 
Bahan-Bahan :
450      gram dark chocolate
300      gram mentega tawar
400      gram gula pasir halus
1      sendok teh vanili bubuk
4      butir telur ayam
250      gram white chocolate
300      gram tepung terigu
1      sendok teh garam
1/4      sendok teh baking powder
50      gram white chocolate (bahan hiasan)
Cara Mengolah :
Menbuat Hiasan:
1. Tim 50 gram white chocolate hingga leleh.
Membuat Brownies:
1. Cincang kasar dark chocolate.
2. Cincang kasar white chocolate.
3. Ayak tepung terigu, garam dan baking powder.
4. Panaskan oven hingga mencapai suhu 180 derajat Celcius.
5. Siapkan loyang 24×24×3 cm, olesi mentega, taburi dengan tepung terigu.
6. Tim dark chocolate dan mentega tawar diatas api kecil sambil diaduk sekali-sekali, hingga leleh. Angkat.
7. Aduk rata gula pasir dan dark chocolate leleh. Masukkan vanili, aduk rata.
8. Tambahkan telur satu per satu, sambil aduk rata.
9. Masukkan tepung terigu ayak sedikit demi sedikit, aduk searah rata.
10. Tambahkan white chocolate cincang, aduk rata.
11. Tuang adonan ke dalam loyang, ratakan. Panggang dalam oven panas selama 45 menit hingga matang. Angkat dan biarkan dingin.
12. Potong-potong, hias dengan hiasan, dan Brownies Fudge siap untuk disajikan

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